This paper examines the poetry collection “alfabet” by Inger Christensen. This particular collection of poems is unique because it is built upon the Fibonacci sequence which has an exponential growth. It analysis in depth the two poems “defolianterne” and “alfabeterne” and will focus on structure/shape, imagery/effects, and the theme.
In the analysis part “theme” there will be worked with existence. How and when something exists and how the poems present the theme of existence in their own different way. The 2 poems which are analyzed use the themes in two different ways.
Through the paper, the collection of poem form will be compared to the form of Fibonacci sequence, which is introduced and used in the analysis. The very special shape Fibonacci sequence presents will be focused from the start.
Imagery and instruments are important parts of poetry. Therefore they will be parts of the analysis. How they are used in the poems to get the message and the emotion out.
The rhythm part of the text is also analyzed, because it is not continuous throughout the collection.
Through the work with the poetry collection it has been shown how different it is possible to work with the theme existence in parts of the same collection by the same writer. Also how a mathematical sequence works with poems, and how it is possible to get the message out through a mathematical sequence. [Læs mere…]