– Summary:
According to the author of this particular article published back in 2010, Jenna Goudrea who’s an American journalist, who writes about business and leadership for the magazine called Forbes, it’s not all that unusual for men and women to put a question mark in front of the theme of marriage.
All of the sudden men’s biological clocks begin to tick as well but only once they’ve realized that their close friends/relatives/co-workers are first in line when it comes down to the whole monogamous commitment for the long hall. Also better known as the concept of marriage, or the so called wholesome that it should provide for the two people involved in it.
The article contains serious and skeptically charged questions, such as why one should even get married in the first place.
Furthermore it indicates to women’s independence, and the more modernistic ideals in which a man is not needed to be a bread winner in the same way as the Middle Ages for example.
Sociologist Whelan also believes that it’s a good portion of social pressure combined with the ties of love that makes a couple want to marry each other.
– Outline:
If we take a look toward what Pew Research Center has provided for additional information about why men and women nowadays don’t really want to marry or haven’t found the right opportunity with their perfect partner to do so yet, we realize that the percentage is actually higher than before.
It’s now a wholesome of 27 % for both sexes that is probably not all that convinced, about the whole ‘’to death do us part’’ aspect of it. They either don’t feel financially equal with the people that they’ve met during their lifetime, or they just haven’t find the so called ‘soulmate’.
Beforehand it was much lower, 10 percent were calculated for men and 8 percent of women were never married. The most commonly written answer for the people in a survey that was done, through the same independent American Research center (Pew) were that they just simply haven’t found their match in life. For the women, their main concerns was to live without a financially stable husband, and therefore they wouldn’t settle for less than that.
Perhaps due to the fact that over 60 % of all women now, receive a college degree and can therefore go out confidently on the work field, without the need of dependence on a male partner at home.
The ongoing prejudice toward wedlock people, makes it even harder for over half of the never-married bachelors and bachelorettes (also just known as single men and women) to just answer questions about their status with a somewhat isolated answer, such as: ‘’At some point’’.
In that way, they get to deviate from certain questions about the topic, what also might be considered as interrogations from outsiders to them. Regardless of what will turn out to be their newfound destiny in the nearby or long distanced future, a whole 61 % felt a more or less urge to get married sooner or later. Whilst text 2 had a bit more of a defeatist type of attitude in terms of the part where they actually pronounce the words: ‘’I do’’ also better known as the confirm of marriage.
We in the meantime have the 3rd text, where it’s slightly more obvious for the reader to see that the differ in opinion is not as widely considered or even talked about as the previous article.
Becky Dickinson who’s an independent blogger, writes regularly on her ‘Allotment Mum’.
In there, an article appeared on the The Telegraph’s website. Which is a British newspaper, in which the article got released in 2014. She hands out a critique to the overly glamourized outlook on women especially under the media’s horoscope, inspired by the Walt Disney female characters.
The following statement pretty much sums it all up. It shows us a crystal clear proposition on why she haven’t bought the whole ‘white horse and the carriage’ idea: ”Yet, as a woman with a realistic physique and outlook on life, I have no desire to be a princess, even for a day, and even less desire for a fairy-tale wedding. Life is not a fairy tale and nor are relationships. So why start your marriage off on one?” As feminist and socially aware activist, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie states so eloquently in one of her speeches, is the fact that the primary cultivation of younger girls are different and not equal to that of a young boy. Of course both sexes should be treated as if they didn’t have the partially anatomically, and psychologically differences but that is still not entirely the case. At least not in Ms. Adichie’s point of view.
– Commentary:
“It is as if looking (and spending) a million dollars and settling down with a prince is the best a woman can hope for.” That somewhat chilling, although kind of unfortunately truthfully loaded statement, is one you get to hear from the globally well-known activist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. For those who haven’t really got acquaintance with her work for women mostly, have heard some of her still enduring lyrics from one particular speech. It got used for a pop/R&B singer, named Beyoncé. Also while explaining the true definition of feminism. Which is actually not only for women but for the beneficence of both male and female as well. It’s shortly put, about fighting for the progression of women’s rights. In Denmark for example, we as women, actually first got the democratic rights of voting back in the year of 1915.
That in and by itself, hints us toward an idea that has the pre-notion that the equal rights for everyone, is not being pushed as hard. Not only as a politically and secularistic agenda but moreover as a humane one, which secures all rights of females as well as males living under that society. As one of the great former presidents of the United States of America once stated in his speech: ‘’Everyone is created equal.’’ It was actually during the declaration of independence for the African American communities in North America but especially in the South.
That last statement alone, for some people at least, might be a no brainer and is therefore not considered as the reproduction of the deep plate, nor rocket science in any which way whatsoever.
A preconceived train of thinking in terms of what marriage hold in store for you as a woman, might very likely have been considered in the opening statement, from Ms. Adichie. It does definitely not have to be as if your life is over, the moment that you get to utter the words: ‘’I do’’ for the world to know. But in many cases sadly, this is what happens. You’ll get the house chores for yourself, which is everything from cleaning all spots of the house, to picking up after your husband and children as well, while making sure that the food is on the table for when he comes home after work.
Putting all of your dignity on the line for what kind of silver wear you pick out, for when the in-laws come for a quick visit. This is of course only described from a female perspective, and in a very stereotypical type of a way also. Not all husbands are lazy around the house, some can even cook better than the wife at home. Many of the famously known chefs that we see around the world, seem to have a cooking skill or two to say the least, and are coincidentally males. Such as Chef Ramsey, or Jamie Oliver – but prominently British chefs.
You don’t even need to be an alpha female, to be a working mom, who just wants for her sons or daughters to look fascinatingly up to her work ethics. All you need, is to have faith in yourself. It sounds kind of a cliché but it actually works. Not only do you get to have a lot of interesting topics to talk with your husband about when you come home but you’re also in the process of contributing to society.
– Short essay:
Do we need each other ‘for better or for worse’ in 2016?
Some will likely answer this perhaps broad question, with a very confident nod while looking forward to start their future with their chosen partners. Others may still be on the fence about the idea for several of reasons. There might not even be only one single definitive conclusion in the end, but a couple of different ones.
As a matter of fact, it’s all about the eye of the beholder when it comes down to it. If you’ve had past bad experiences as a heterosexual woman for instance, with the opposite sex, then you might be more careful in the future choice’s that you decide to make.
For example, we hear a lot about domestic abuse in relationships. Primarily its women who are the ones who become victimized under such conditions. At least that’s what several of statistics all around the world shows us, if we look deeper into these issues. Men are not inherently violent by nature but are socially trained in their environment to act upon their primitive urges. Therefore when a female gets to see this kind of unacceptable deed of an angry man in her presence, who actually has the willpower to hurt her, she flees for her life… And for marriage perhaps.
Another one could be due to the fact that some are children of divorcees. They’ve been through a lot with their families already, and try not to seek out any type of confrontations in their current situations, relationship wise. The question still remains heavily like a burden on some people’s shoulders.
Do we in all actuality need each other, or is it just a socially constructed and very much so ingrained wish intended for everybody? Well, not to sound overly simplistic or anything of that nature but in the humble opinion of a current High-school student, it’s perhaps a meddling mixture of both that exists in the minds of married couples. They figure that they might need one another to grow old with one day, for the sake of the company of each other, or even just to see how long that they’ll last under the banner of monogamy (or even polygamy). In the end, the decision is all yours.
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