“Music is a strange entity – everybody likes it”
The above quotation tells that everybody actually likes music somehow or other. Because of this fact it is possible that music has an effect on the human.
This study examines how the human nervous system responds to music psychologically. The effect of music has been investigated by carrying out an experiment involving a total of 11 persons to see if three different pieces of music have a stressing or relaxing impact on the subjects. Firstly, the paper describes some important aspects of the nervous system and the hormone system with the purpose of giving a definition of stress and how these two systems respond to stress. After this, the applied pieces of music are analyzed with the object of bringing in the analysis in the following survey of the experiment. The experiment will be described and discussed and the musical analysis is brought in to give a musical evaluation of the outcome of the experiment. Finally it will be concluded whether the pieces of music have had a stressing or relaxing effect on the listeners. [Læs mere…]